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Adi Da Samraj devoted His life to the realization and communication of Truth—what He called the “Bright”, Prior Unity, or the Indivisible Reality in which we all appear. He communicated that Truth through many means—literary, artistic, and spiritual. His numerous books of spiritual, philosophical, social, and practical wisdom are widely acknowledged as among the most insightful spiritual teachings of the modern world. His artistic works—including many monumental-scale images—are exhibited in key locations around the world. 

During His lifetime, Adi Da touched and transformed the lives of many thousands of secular and religious seekers, founding a new sacred tradition—the Reality-Way of Adidam—for those who respond most seriously to His spiritual calling, and enter into a formal devotional and spiritual relationship with Him. Sacred centers and foundations have been established internationally. Through all these gifts and more, Adi Da’s blessing communication continues to be powerfully active and alive.

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